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Posted by: San Francisco Barrister

Nov 7, 1998

Zak wrote: URGENT: June - Kate might wait for these - I have no idea. Please check and forward.Z June wrote: URGENT Kate, r u waiting for this contri? Is this the lost one? JuVw Contri attached - no id#! Her eyes scanned the room as she entered. Computers, cameras and equipment everywhere. A cabinet full of vodka. Some large, unusual plants in pots under a sophisticated grow-light system. A big sign on the wall stating "WE NEVER POST E-MAIL ADDRESSES SO PLEASE DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME ASKING US NOT TO." In the far back corner sat a dejected group of women who's contris were not posted. Some of them were in tears. Kate's rejection hits very hard. Next to them, a little more towards the center of the room, was the "uncommented antibacklog" gang, almost as depressed, for without feedback, what is the point? And then, the line of 400, which extended from June's table at the front of the room all the way to the back, out the door and down the ally. File envelope in hand, the woman sailed past them towards the front of the room with a brisk stride of confidence that belied the trepidation and trembling she felt inside. "No cuts, Lady!" "Hey, who do you think you are?" "Damn attorneys." She glanced back at the line with a weak, apologetic smile, then turned her attention to June. "Here they are. Again. I really don't think they're very good. The scanner distorts a bit. The ripples are where it captured my breathing...it's so hard to hold still for the amount of time it takes. The lightened spots are where my skin is touching the glass.. I tried to get right on it without pressing into it very much. In the frontals, I'm leaning over the scanner, so all the flesh falls forward and looks air-baggy, unless you visualize that you are lying flat on your back and I am leaning over you..that's the view you would have." "Umm hmm" mumbled June disinterestedly. All she cared about was that they arrived in good condition and were not pornographic. "OK, go on in." Someone from the line shouted, "Hey, what's the deal?" June held up the file envelope so that they could read it. Written in large bold letters on the front was: URGENT- IGOR WAITS FOR THESE. The woman looked up at the gallery of impatient men holding scorecards, took a deep breath and stepped into the spotlight, as over the loudspeaker Kate announced, "Ladies and gentlemen.. .....Once again, the San Francisco Barrister."

Damon: ..oooohhhhh yessssss....here they are..finally.....this is the contri that we lost halfway after practicing a stupid alert....heya heya heya...thanks you so much to be patient with us......I loved those pics and we have lost them, before we were able to show them....and your story is great.....hahahahaha...is this how you imagine our office works?.....virtually like that?....hm..you forgot Zak..Zak is the one, who sorts the contris (more or less)..put them into correct order (more or less)..gives them an id (most often)....and then tunes up the quality (more or less)..then we have June...correct....and then me...correct...what a bureaucracy, eh?...and Zak is not doing this alone by the way...he runs a sub- crew of 3 in the meantime...

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San Francisco Barrister

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  • Thanks for the mammaries, babe, where are you in SF!?!?!
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