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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Gun Nude

Posted by: brymar

Dec 14, 1998

OK no posting or e so I will try again assuming the mail did not go through! Story: With hunting season aproaching, an early fall Saturday found my wife checking out her hunting equipment prior to cleaning it.Some of us southern boys don't mind at all when our wives take up our outdoor sports. I could not help but take a few pictures. Title this "Gun nude" For Private Shots. Equipment.....a Winchester model 1894 30-30. Just call me Hunter. Great site....keep it up......

Damon: ..heya..the total confusion amongst our readers, eh?...."Kate, when do you post my contri??"..."Kate, why dont you comment all contris?"..."Kate, please publish less contris, I dont have enough time to view them all"...the answer to all those questions is simple...our backlog was to huge..made no sense..nobody wants to wait 9 weeks to see a contri published...so..the only solution was to get some temporary additional bandwidth and servers and to publish like hell...thats what we are doing for 8 days now....there is no strict order of what we publish when...and I am not able to comment overall 70 - 90 contris every days...I would get crazy and my comments would be very lousy..thats why we publish 1 out of 3 contris uncommented until this backlog has been reduced tremendously...the other issue are the uncommented W/G contris at voyeur...I asked you to submit voyeur contris because we were low...but hwat happened was, that beside around 80 voyeur series we receieved around 150 voyeur the wife contris....hahahaha...within 48 hours our shortage converted into a backlog...thats why I decided to publish 80 W/G contris uncommented....and because I am lazy....its one of the most difficult tasks to comment a W/G voyeur contri...its not an unknown subject but she is not aware of the shots and and and...or maybe I am simply not able to comment 10 W/G contris a day ..no idea...anyhow..we will continue like this for the next 6 days...and then we will switch back to regular operations...

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