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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world


Posted by: FROM - Mark_

Feb 4, 1999

Kate - This is our first contri, please title it "Wasted". I have been a fan of Voyeur Web for a long time and a member of Redclouds since it opened. She (call her "Rose") spent years in a relationship that suppressed her sexuality and "wasted" her talents. I told her about your website and logged on one night to show her. I suggested that she would make a good model and told her that I would like to send her pictures to the web. The more we discussed it, the more interested and excited she got about the possibilities. We planned the first of many sessions with the camcorder and used a Snappy to capture these pics. These are not only the first pics of her to be published on the web, they are the first "sexy" pics ever taken of her. What a "waste".Since the initial "simmer" that started with a suggestion that she would make a good model, she has rapidly progressed to a rolling boil. Some sessions have included her girl friend. She invited Lily to join us for some fun, but those pics will have to be submitted to Redclouds at another time. If things keep going at this pace, I may need some help. She is like a kid that has just discovered candy, she wants to try everything. I bought her a "toy" and you should see her eyes twinkle when she brings it out to play. She loves the camera and can't wait for her pics to be shown on the web. She almost drools when she talks about everyone looking at her body. I have created a monster. We have lots of material on tape and frequently add to the stockpile. We should be able to make the VW regulars happy for a very long time. She likes to remind me that she does not want to be "wasted" anymore.

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FROM - Mark_

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