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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Anne N 4 ST

Posted by: Ben & Anne

Mar 21, 1999

Hello Again Kate, We know Kate loves SEE-THRU, so we are sending the rest of the shots from the photo session that was ANNE N #3 ST. ÝFrom the comments on the BB, we know that the majority of the viewers would rather see her in the buff, and will honor your request in the near future. Just a note to the viewers. At the beginning Anne was relay reluctant to pose. Now, she cant wait to read the comments, and bugs me to get the camera out of the closet for another session. You Viewers have really helped her self-esteem. Thank you again. Would you please label these shots Anne N #4, thanks. Ý Ha Kate, What did you do before the VoyeurWeb??????? I think everybody would love to know a little bit more about you, We would. Thanks,

Damon: ..what I have done before I started Voyeurweb????..well..thats not a secret....I used to work for huge software and hardware vendors..I tried to make some carreer in marketing...I was not bad...climbed up and and up and up...and it got more and more sick....telling lies about lousy and buggy products and making false promisses to customers and prospects day and night..thats marketing...then the depressions started and I started to drink like hell and climbed even more...and one morning I woke up, called the CEO and told him" Fuck you - I am out of here! Your products suck- you can shove all of them right up into your huge ass"...hahahahaha...and I felt really great...I dont even remember my official title at that time..something like senior vice blabla liar.....anyhow..I have had made enough money (the computer industry pays good money to their senior liars) out of shares, profit sharing, monthly success ratings and and and to be very relaxed.

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Ben & Anne

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