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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Mardi 99

Posted by: VW

Feb 13, 1999

Kate, I got interviewed by the Fox 8 News in New Orleans! I told them I was taking pictures for the Voyeur Web ! They asked me how many hits it gets a day. I told them about 1.5 million ?! Basically I could not remember what you had said reguarding that. I also gave you a personal greeting. Mardi Gras was full of FUNOBAGS ( in many varieties ) and a few FUNLIPS ! I am a little disappointed in the lighting of the Sony Digital Mavica. It seems to show up different on screen than what it actually captures. Also, for those who are like me I included as many women's faces and funobags as possible. The priority being the funobags or funlips sometimes the faces didnt make it. It is hard to believe these people that say "Dont show my email address" are acutally regulars as many times as you have said we dont publish email addresses and commented on how that one time it crashed someone's email. So I, like you, believe it must be some sort of Voyeur Web greeting. OH, YEA the pictures. I will send 3 or 4 seperate sets. P.S. DONT SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS ! HAHAHA

Damon: ..heya...so you told Fox 8 News, eh?....well.....thanks for mentioning us and thanks for the greetings...I am sure you did not forget to ask Fox 8, not to publish your email addy, correct?....comcerning the hits...that term is misleading...hits can mean anything...for example some interpretation is how many files were accessed....we count unique visitors a day and unique visitors a week....so..yesterdays total for all servers we have, including watchcams and redclouds, the total of unique visitors was 705.872 ...

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