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Hot Time in Paris 30 D

Posted by: Christian and Elisa

Jan 11, 2002

Hello, nice to be here again. We know through your comments that most of you like our contris and we are pleased about that. We have been contacted by some couples planning to visit Paris in the next months and who want us to set up a nice gang bang for them. We look forward to meet them and we'll post the pictures if they allow us to do so.... To answers some of the comments about bluring : We only post the pictures after appoval by the couple on the picture. So don't complain if sometime the blurrig is too big, the couples only allow us to take pictures because they trust us to use them appropriately... If the bluring is the reason for us not to win prize,we wont win any prize and it is OK..!! (by the way HTIP 25 was without bluring by request from the girl and win didn't get any prize either..!!!! Ha ha ha) For this contri, we were contacted by a young couple living 2 hours by train from Paris. They placed an add in a swinging newspaper a year ago looking for nice guys to set up her first gang bang, but out of more than 500 answers none was giving them the desir to follow. We answer their add a year later and they had just been connected to the net a month ago and visited our pages 2 days before getting our letter..!!!!! They felt confident enough to answer us...!! She wanted a small gang bang with 3 guys. They send us two pictures of her to see if we were willing to proceed. They are the first two pictures on HTIP 30A and you'll understand that we didn't think too much about it...!!!! When the day came, they took the train around noon and one of our stallion wait for them a the station. They arrived home at 3PM and we started after 30 minutes of talking. It lasted for two hours and after a shower we bring them back to the train station so they can be back home around 8 PM. That was a good sunday afternoon, I wasn't really concern about what was on the TV that day..!!!! This contri is in 5 Part from HTIP 30A to HTIP 30E. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoy making them..!!!! Have fun,

Damon: Let the good times roll! And suck...

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Christian and Elisa

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