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Ravens Best Ass-et....

Posted by: Rae & Bruce

Jan 31, 2002

Hi to all. This is formerly Hotassgacpl, just felt a need to change the name so I used my stage name. Yes I'm a dancer and I go to school fulltime, 7 classes this semester. Anyhow, I don't usually respond to the idiots on here, but I am this time. Please bear with me and then I'll show you my ass..lol A couple of people, you know who you are, said that they made me and that I should let them on my new site for free. As soon as you pay for costumes, select and setup shoots do the actual shoots, edit and prepare pictures to put on site. Shoot the videos etc. I'll let you on my site for free.And remember Einstien, you're paying to see my ass here to, awful greedy aren't ya? NEWS FLASH --You nor anyone else on redclouds has made me,. Voyeurweb provides a venue and people choose to use it. I post on Redclouds and always will it is where I began to express myself through erotic photography online, but just to appease you. All of the VW staff may look at my sight, like they haven't already.lol..Their sight has allowed me to do what I'm doing. Noone is pushing my site either, the link is their, hit it or forget about it. I sent 2 other Contris, but they have yet to post, I'll wait a few and then resubmit, but these are best ass pictures, at least in my biased opinion..:0)..! remember to vote and if you'd like to take a look at my sight..:0) http://sexy.redclouds.com/hotassgacpl Thanks again guys, sorry about my rambling, but somethings have to be addressed.. Ciao,

Damon: Best Ass-et, hahah.. Ive never heard that one before... It is nice though, isn't it?

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Rae & Bruce

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