KellyGirl Playing
Posted by: VW
Jun 26, 1999
Hello all my Redclouds friends. Here's a set of pictures for my special friends that have had so many good comments for my pictures the last 9 months. I really like reading everything you write, from both men and women. My hubby took these pictures one night when I was blindfolded. At the time, I didn't know he was going to tape us, but, I should have known something was up when he practically carried me upstairs and told me to be "ready" in 5 minutes. Regardless, I had a very good time that night and I look forward to many more with him. Also, I want to say hello to some RC Chat Room friends: Littlebit, MikefromKC and Jocko. These were taken May 27th by my hubby with a JCV video camera, then he hooks the camera up to the computer and these pictures just pop out (Heck, I don't really know how he does it). Please call them "KellyGirl playing" and add these to your contest. If I win anything, Please just renew our Redclouds membership. By the way, how about a contest for the sexiest and most revealing shots taken in Lingerie?
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You may not republish them on another website or anywhere else.
Damon: ...well hi there, sexy!@!!