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Bri Nude in Dresden City

Posted by: Traegicomix

Aug 20, 2013

Bri is a new hot attraction in Dresden city (Germany)! Some of the tourists were very surprised and amused when they saw Bri nude in the city center. Bri had a lot fun bringing joy to all the people around. But also their reactions and comments were an extraordinary experience for us. We are looking forward to your comments, which surely will motivate Bri to do more nude in public contris! Cheers, Bri & Traegicomix

Her favorite outfit definitely is to be completely naked

Bart: That is a fashion statement.

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All Comments (99)
  • Brava, love and much respect always to Bri From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2023 Bri is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best AND SHE IS ALSO a self-confident German woman all Germany can be proud of!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I wish that Bri was still participating here, and I hope that she is alive, well and happy in 2023. BRAVA, BRI!
  • You are my favorite nude in public woman,,, You really get naked in Public.... all the IT.... Have not seen you in sometime, hope to see you soon? Mike
  • I would be the sun that caresses your skin.
  • Dresden would be unscathed if you were around in 1945-47. The Allied pilots would have all parachuted down to your warm, inviting, bare ass naked body and taken turns licking your bald eagle until the feathers melted. OH, not to mention the fine bier!
  • Whaw! what a body. I am a singleman from Holland, 52 years old and i will asked you: please send me more pictures, please be my virtual girlfriend. Berry (@)
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