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Cutting Loose in Nebraska

Posted by: mspaulie

Sep 17, 2013

Recently divorced after thirty some years of marriage. My ex was very controlling and conservative so I was kinda lost on my own. A friend convinced me that I needed to get in touch with my wild side. She took these pictures and her husband said he would post them and my comments. I am unsure about all of this but I guess I have to start living at some point.

Bart: Oh yes! Let the assets be viewed & admired!

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All Comments (49)
  • You must of married very ; Stunning woman.
  • Your divorced, loose the ring, your wanted sweet!! You remind me of a friend who was having a bitching time about knew she like the guy painting her house..(Inside).  We suggested she screw him,,she said  it was the best advice she ever got!!   lived 30 years in Nebraska!!.The point?  Enjoy Life!
  • Mmmmmmmmm she's sexy,, !!!!!!!!   ,, any big fun toy's to tease us too ?,,, thanks ncdave28570@
  • 30 years that has been hidden? Wow, what a pity. You are a very beautiful I will tell you that anytime you @. Please be proud of who you are and how you look. I look forward to seeing more of you.
  • Lynn, I saw your photos too late to vote, but I want you to know that I think you are very lovely and very sexy too! Wow, you ahve some great friends to work with you like this. Many of us here are conservative , but when it comes ot sex and pleasure we are just as wild as our liberal friends. Maybe even more so! Drop this cowboy a note if you get time , at cowboyjoe49@ Maybe we could have a threesome or at least write to each other. If nothing else, I want you to know that you are a lovely woman to look at and you should be very proud of yourself. Thanks for being brave and sharing your beauty. Please send us more photos!
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