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All Comments (31)
  • But, "El daninptbgh," you keep coming back as well. You see, you're far too dimwitted to see this, so I'll put in in simple terms that a dullard like you can understand. I never claimed that "I don't care what you say/think." YOU wrote that. Yet it is YOU who keeps coming back; therefore, your comments flies in direct opposition to your statement. In short, you can't claim the high road when you've established yourself on the low. Again, it must suck to be you.
  • By the way, I never claimed to be smarter than "everyone." However, I do state with conviction that I am smarter than you and the rest of the bashers. You may wish to claim you're not one of them, but one way a man's character will be judged is by the character of those with whom he associates. You have chosen to support people who call women vulgar, vile and even racist names. Live with that shame.
  • Well, first off, "El daninptbgh," I'm smart enough to know that if you're going to reference the Almighty, you must use an UPPER CASE "G." Second, you claim you're not one of the abusers, but I note you're not choosing to battle the bashers, you're choosing to target me. This truly proves my point even more. Again, you say that "no one cares what I have to say." Yet you not only jumped into the fray but also continued to come BACK to the Board . . . thus it is clear that you DO care. Say what you will, but not only have I established the fact that you're the puppet, I have certainly proven that I'm much smarter than you.
  • I think I'll elaborate slightly. I never bring up any of the clods that abuse women and with whom I have feuded first. Never have, never will. You do what you do first, and I respond to it. What's hilarious is watching the fools who create monikers just for the purpose of attacking me. I have utilized the same moniker from the very start . . . just ANOTHER example of why I'm superior to you. You're far too much a dullard to recognize when you've been outclassed, out maneuvered, and outsmarted.
  • So funny when people write that they don't care what I say, but then they can't HELP but respond to it; showing, in fact, that they DO care. How does it feel, "El daninptbgh," to show everyone how much a puppet you are?
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