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All Comments (34)
  • Very tempting thong! Nice looking butt and hairy pussy!
  • And now you're "Ms pac man." What's next . . . you going to become "Donkey Kong?" How about Q-bert?" Let me know if you plan on going to "Space Invaders" at any point.
  • No, it is you who is blinded. Blinded by h@te, blinded by fear, and blinded by f@ilure. Like most racists you blame everyone for your lack of success except yourself. You complain about some "entitlement" society while ignoring that it is people like YOU who believe you're entitled. You believe that the fact you were born white should have guaranteed you success. I got an education, worked hard, and achieved some success in life. What differentiates your ilk from me is the fact I was willing to work, and that had I not succeeded I would have blamed MYSELF rather than everyone else. You're p@thetic.
  • By the way, you essentially proved that everything I've ever said about your kind was on the money. I said that bashers were bitter--you are definitely that. I said that bashers were unhappy with their lives, and you just proved yourself to be. I claimed that bashers come here to take their anger out on others, and you have essentially verified that. Instead of trying to improve yourself and your life, you're here bashing women anonymously and then arguing that your feelings of racial inequality somehow justify your misogyny. Dude, that's amazingly weak!
  • No, it is you who is blinded. Blinded by h@te, blinded by fear, and blinded by failure. Like most racists you blame everyone for your lack of success except yourself. You complain about some "entitlement" society while ignoring that it is people like YOU who believe you're entitled. You believe that the fact you were born white should have guaranteed you success. I got an education, worked hard, and achieved some success in life. What differentiates your ilk from me is the fact I was willing to work, and that had I not succeeded I would have blamed MYSELF rather than everyone else. You're pathetic.
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