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All Comments (16)
  • Wow! Very nice looking ass and sexy legs!
  • Weapon of ASS destruction!!!What an ASS!!!Lucky is the man who has the chance to grab this booty and slam it hard from behind making these ass cheeks bouncing all over!!!Would spend everlasting hours doing so!!It must be so damn is David from portugal 33yo, and just find you absolutely astonishing!!Please KEEP POSTING!!!Would also love to trade few words with you, even if it was just to suggest on your future contris. E mail me if wanted: thehollowman1980@ As i said before, keep us updated with YOU!KEEP POSTING!! Best wishes and biggest kisses!! XoXo DaviD.
  • Hmmm. As I recall, "Meathead" went on to become one of Hollywood's biggest directors, helming some cinematic classics. So do you honestly think you'll insult me with that comparison? But I will ask you this, whose the bigger l0ser . . . the guy bashing women anonymously, or the guy standing up to them? Time's up, just paint the big "L" on your forehead.
  • As to you, "hahahaha," I have no doubt that NOTHING or NO ONE could ever make you feel bad about anything you do . . . you see, you'd have to have a sense of decency, ethics, character, morals or a conscience to "feel bad" about the things you do. And I believe, given your demonstrated character, that you lack all of those things. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your lack of these attributes is why you're alone and bitter? Just a thought.
  • Well, at least my photos would be of women, "00glethorp." As to you, "QUEEN hornet," I am a lesbian . . . trapped in a man's body. Again, I'm not the one bashing women here. I bear no burden of "proof." You clods who abuse the women here should prove you have something better in your lives . . . or ANYTHING in your lives.
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