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Posted by: myhotbabii02

Nov 16, 2013

Ok I need everyone's help. Now about me. I'm 27 years old, had a as you can see if you follow me. I'm a size 00 panties and a 34 a chest. My husband says all the time that I have the perfect ass. It really is small. And I do have a bit of a belly cause my husband is Italian and he says, when were happy... We eat. He makes me feel good by him saying that, but I beg to differ. He loves the fact that with my ass being so small that I love anal. In fact we made love for 6 hours the other night and that beat our record of 4 hours. But when he is in my ass, I don't want him out. He is so big and you have no clue as to how good it feels. His dick was in my ass for over 4 hours that night. And he did not cum until I said I wanted it all over my face. I'm so happy with him. But I feel that the only reason why he says that is so I feel good. So please HELP me and give me what you truly think is my ass. Ok I've been told many of times that everyone hates my tat on my lower back, he'll I was young. So please help and if you respond with a honest answer... And I mean honest. Tell me what you would like and I will send to you. I will have my husband take the picture. Thanks for reading.

I really do love it in my ass. Tell me what you want to see. And I will promise I will send. I will run it past my husband. He won't mind.

Finkel: I think we have a color issue!

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All Comments (65)
  • For panty fetishists only! No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • She's so exciting nude lady! Very seducing pantie!
  • This might be a little too kinky for you, but here goes. I would like to see you put strawberries and bananas in your pussy. Cut them up so they fit all the way. The have your husband fuck you in the ass so hard they get pushed out. He fills your ass with cum, you push it out on the fruit then eat it.
  • Sad. Something you never done. Get off your wallet and spend some money and you will see more than you think. Tight wad
  • Look in mirror. You need the bleach.
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