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First Post (Lil Strip Part 1)

Posted by: Kate 4 play

Mar 1, 2014

Hi all...This is my first post and thought I would start out a little slowly to see what kind of reaction I get. If I get a good response I will post part 2. Love to hear your comments!

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Kate 4 play

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All Comments (98)
  • Hey any anal sex lovers here?
  • dam hot love them
  • The proof is below, "; All you do on a regular basis is prove how right I am.
  • By the way, one last little nail in your coffin . . . just to be sure. You can't claim I'm the one who's obsessed when you're on your third moniker, and your second actually incorporated my moniker. Like my friend says, you like to attribute your characteristics to others and then claim victimhood. You really should thank me . . . my friend gave you thousands of dollars worth of free psychoanalysis. You should take advantage of the start and go get some help.
  • Well, here's the nail in "Douchebag's" metaphorical coffin. He's had two days . . . and notice that not ONCE did he say my friend's findings were invalid. (Sorry, now it's too late, dullard, you're buried.) Certainly one would imagine that his first response would have been to claim my friend didn't know anything about him, that he couldn't be more wrong, yada, yada, yada. But no . . . "Douchebag" immediately went to "attack" mode against me. In short, this is the proof that my friend's findings were TOO accurate for "Douchebag's" comfort, and he would just as soon ignore them. Face it, clod, you lost this a long time ago. All I did this time was spike the ball! LOL
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