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Pussy And Ass

Posted by: disclosesex

Mar 28, 2014

PUSSY and simply delicious ass. Very horny woman have this all night

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All Comments (29)
  • Nice looking red pantie! Her shaved pussy is really worth licking!
  • You know, I just realized something. In your haste to insult me, you essentially just ADMITTED to how right I am. You list multiple charges I've made against you, but the ONLY charge you can make against me isn't even a charge--it's your idea of an insult. As I've written before, a warrior can have no greater victory and no greater pleasure than in watching an enemy destroy himself. And that's what I've been doing this entire time to you, "QUEER ; I've been sitting back and laughing at how you have become so enraged that you've essentially defeated yourself. How sad you are! LOL
  • oh sigh..... no ...cannot properly construct a sentence.... sigh... I guess I will have to move in with my personal whipping boy danny the hamburger so he can educate thought just makes my heart sing..... hamburger will improve my life... I will be able to get that masters Degree in gay sex just like hamburger.... oh the joy !!!!!!!! thank you king moron for caring about me so much but you can't practice your gayness on me.... I draw the line there.....
  • You know, it must REALLY suck to be you, "QUEER ; I mean you can't deny the truth of anything I say about you, as every word I type is supported by your very own comments appearing on these boards. You're damned by your own comments and conduct. You've been humiliated so often by me--especially by my ability to so clearly see you for who and what you are, thus my barbs hit too close to the target for your comfort--that you've basically been reduced to the comment board version of sticking your tongue out at me when my back is turned. I would say I've driven you insane . . . but in your case the commute was about the distance of a driveway; a VERY short commute.
  • Let's see, should I ridicule you because you don't have any clue on how to utilize punctuation or spell, or should I abuse you for the fact that, once again, you've shown that apparently you have some weird g@y fetishes. Yeah, I bet you love to give other men spankings. Like I continue to point out, you are getting more and more crazed by the fact that I utilize facts and all you're left with are weak attempts at insults. LOL
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