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All Comments (15)
  • No, I know they loved it, great ass
  • It only says that she is above anything YOU have, as the only rating one can give nothing is . Then again, that DOES match your IQ.
  • Yes, "Little Bitch," you are. Actually, maybe you're not. For you to be a wh0re, you'd have to find someone willing to pay for your services . . . and you're too busy sucking dick for free. I do so love the fact that you call ME the "dickhead" in this matter. Oh, you bear no culpability, do you? You abuse women, calling them foul names and ridiculing them at every turn. But you apparently think that "freedom of speech" only applies to you; that you should be allowed to act as you do with impunity. That's cowardice in its purest form. Maybe if you weren't too busy licking balls, you might have grown a set of your own.
  • Can you guys please not argue on my post. I put these pictures on here for fun. You're taking away from that
  • Again, "Little Bitch," a guy who incorporates his nemesis' moniker into his own, abuses women anonymously, and is on his 7th or 8th moniker, has no credibility when questioning someone else's courage. But the bottom line is this; you bash women . . . I bash you for bashing women. You bash women anonymously because you're a coward . . . I bash you anonymously because I'm too smart to give proven cowards the opportunity to shoot from the dark. Besides, again, I'm treating you as you treat others. But I do love the way you write, as it also proves that you did not get beyond junior high. "Thought you was"? Really?
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