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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Adriana XXX

Posted by: VALMING

Nov 10, 2012

Hi to all! My husband presented me a new camera for our anniversary! I am very happy because this is a new way to our sexual experimentation. We did not wait for an opportunity and began to experiment the next morning. Here is our first result..... Do not forget the comments! Many of my new friends and fans know - I answer them 100% in Private Messages! Kiss Adri

Damon: It looks like today is going to be the best day I will be having this week, can anyone guess as to why? Easy, look up or down for that matter and you will have the answer.

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All Comments (61)
  • The degenerate p u s s y  h a t e r who cut off the bottom of Adriana XXX"s pussy in the ninth photo ruined the photo that could have been the best of all them. No photo of Adriana XXX should ever be vandalized like that. BUT ......................................                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Brava, and much love and respect always, to Adriana XXX! From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2022 Adriana XXX is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Top 10 Hall of Fame best! I wish that Adriana XXX was still participating here, and I hope that Adriana XXX is alive, well and happy in 20221 ABSOLUTELY!
  • Where are you Adriana? Please come back!
  • jack155  A great combination of a beautiful face and a great body
  • I love the your naughty face on # 1. You're still one of my favourites. Sorry to say: 'cockteasing'.
  • Wow! I'm late to the party, but I think #7 may be one of my favourite pics ever, closely followed by #9.
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