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From My Balcony

Posted by: Beginer

Aug 3, 2007

I'm testing a new Cannon G7...looks promising.., this is what I see from my balcony.

Damon: Alrite, Mr. Beginer. I tried and it did not help. FAQ tried and it did not help. Even Kate tried. There is only one solution:

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All Comments (4)
  • ... should not have posted them in the first place. Should not have posted them in the first place? Yes, should not have posted them in the first place. Roght? Right! TOTALLY! 
  • Did Damon get hacked? I have never known him to use such crude, threattening and unprofessional language before. And why is he talking about (a woman?) named Kate? What does a woman named Kate have to do with any of this? And why is someone talking about "Zaks comments?" What does someone named Zak have to do with any of this? Someone using the alias Beginer is the photographer, and Damon is the person making the crude, threattening and unprofessional comments -- and, I agree, VoyeurWeb should not have posted them in the first place. I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: No nudity visible = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • Did Damon get hacked? I have never known him to use such crude, threattening and unprofessional language before. And why is he talking about (a woman?) named Kate? What does a woman named Kate have to do with any of this? And why is someone talking about "Zaks comments?" What does someone named Zak have to do with any of this? Someone using the alias Beginer is the photographer, and Damon is the person making the crude, threattening and unprofessional comments -- and, I agree, VoyeurWeb should not have posted them in the first ; I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: No nudity visible = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • wtf
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