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Please Take Me!

Posted by: Honeytits

Nov 3, 2016

I love sex! I'm interested in how many of you would tap me? What would you do to me? My husband and I were just about to have sex on a cruise here and we were trying to get pregnant. Well, you see the result.

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All Comments (43)
  • LUV what Preggo does2 the NIPs
  • Mission accomplished!
  • That goes double, but leave the door open to allow voyeurs to watch you taken again and again by the crew...
  • What would I do to you??? I would start with you fully clothed and smother you with kisses as I caressed your body from top to ; I would stay away from your boobies and pussy until we were both breathing ; Then i would take off your top and your bra, and fondle your boobies and kiss them continuously for several ; After this i would rub your pussy through your panties, taking my middle finger and finding your slit, and begin to explore just outside your depths. I would take off my clothes and rub my then hard cock against your leg then against your ; We would then play by moving all around the bed as we caressed each other and touched other in the places where we most like to be ; I would also be stroking your ; When we got so bothered that we had to, I would put you on your back, mount you, and enter your ; I would manage my strokes so that we both came at the same time and I exploded inside you as you heaved huge sighs of pleasure. Afterward, I would lie still with my member still inside you. After a short while, I would take my cock out and have you suck it to be able to taste my cum and your pussy ; I would go down on you and do the ; After resting a while, I would rapture you again, this time with anal entry if that pleasured you. After that we would collapse in each others arms and sleep thru the ; I probably would wake one time, or be awaken by you, to feel you beside me, get hard again, and have a slow lower energy time inside you again. I would go back to sleep with a smile on my face. Whew! Yes, that is what I would do to ;
  • Congratulations. ..thanks for sharing the before pics. .. any updates
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