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Nirvana Desert Hike

Posted by: NudeNirvana

Mar 23, 2018

While on Spring break road trip out west to Arizona, Nirvana wanted to get some exercise and do a desert hike. She put on her hiking boots at the trailhead parking lot and we continued up the trail to a rocky outcrop. After short picnic among the rocks, I encouraged her to get more comfortable and do quick photoshoot. There were a lot of people on trail that day so we had to shoot quickly and sometimes hide among the rocks as the trail passed within 10 feet of where she was posing. This always makes Nirvana nervous, but also made the experience even more exciting and fun. Here's a quick glimpse of the 40-50 pics we took that afternoon on the hike. There's more to enjoy later maybe! Please leave Nirvana your comments, she loves to read them and will try to reply to as many as possible! ❤️❤️

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All Comments (98)
  • Fabulous nude body in nature 
  • Thanks everyone for all your friend requests and sexy comments on this contri. It just passed 300,000 views and finished 2nd place overall in the voting for March with a rating. I loved reading each of your comments. Your support and encouragement is very much appreciated. Don't forget to view my pics in the "Private Shots, Freestyle as well as the Erotic clips video" section each month here at Voyeurweb. Your superb votes always inspire me to share more erotic adventures, so thanks again!  Nirvana
  • There is a line in a song by the Eagles (Peaceful, Easy Feeling) that says "I want to sleep with you in the desert tonight"; that refrain probably repeated in the photographers head a million times in taking these ; You are lovely!
  • Nice..!
  • Great nipples
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