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Eve Naked On The Train To London

Posted by: charlie276

May 22, 2020

We live about an hour from London by train, it’s one of those trains that stops every few mins at each station along the route. My outfit for the day was just a pair of boots a coat and a smile, other than that I was naked. I left the house like this and was going to be naked under my coat all day in London. We didn’t have any backup clothes for me to wear, this was it! We walked to the train station which is about fifteen minutes away and I could feel the fabric of the coat rubbing on my nipples and the breeze coming up from the bottom onto my cunt and between the gaps between my buttons. Our station is near the start of the line so we were able to find seats in an empty carriage so that I could unbutton my coat and show myself to Mike. I sat opposite and opened the coat showing him my naked body before moving my legs apart so that he could see everything else. Mike came and sat next to me and the plan and the fun was for me to open the coat wide so that he could rub my clit and finger fuck me as the train pulled out of the station and I had to finish coming before we pulled into the next station. We heard the doors being slammed shut by the guard and I kept my legs opened wide so Mike could start to rub me. I am very multi orgasmic and it didn’t take long before orgasm number one washed over me followed very quickly by the next one. As we pulled into the next station I closed my legs and pulled my coat around me. A few people got into our carriage but luckily no-one was close enough to spoil our fun. The train started to move again, the coat was spread wide apart and so were my legs. I was sitting on the edge of the seat but laying back so that the coat fell off my shoulders as Mike rubbed and finger fucked me to several orgasms before we pulled into the next stop. I was shuddering with the excitement of doing this with other people in the carriage even though they couldn’t see me. My cunt was wet through and with each station we stopped at the carriage got fuller and fuller and we had to be more discreet yet more daring to still do it until about two stops from London when we had to call a halt as there were now people all around us. I must have had easily 20 orgasms on the train ride and my legs were like jelly from coming so much as we eventually got off in the city. We repeated the fun on the journey home too. I love reading your hot sexy messages.

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All Comments (73)
  • Please un blur that CUTE CUTE CUTE face
  • What an amazing story Eve , Mike is a lucky man (Craneguy)
  • Hot body and fun pics!
  • Look delicious! Love to jerk my smooth cock in front/on you!!
  • how would you react if I sat in front of you and watch you playing with your tits and clit till you cum in front of me ?
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