Damon: See, describing something by flavor is hard to do in a picture. And when you say something is delicious the only logical solution is to send her on the VW world tour so everyone can judge that for themselves.<br /><br />I think if you want to be included in the taste Clau's boobs to see if they are delicious world tour, leave a comment on her contri (if you have never done that, do it, just click the "COMMENT" button at the bottom of the contri and leave a note saying you want to taste test her boobs.<br /><br />oh add me to that list and I'd also like to sign up for the bonus taste your pussy encore ;-)
Damon: See, describing something by flavor is hard to do in a picture. And when you say something is delicious the only logical solution is to send her on the VW world tour so everyone can judge that for themselves.<br /><br />I think if you want to be included in the taste Clau's boobs to see if they are delicious world tour, leave a comment on her contri (if you have never done that, do it, just click the "COMMENT" button at the bottom of the contri and leave a note saying you want to taste test her boobs.<br /><br />oh add me to that list and I'd also like to sign up for the bonus taste your pussy encore ;-)