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Key West Pussy 1 Of 5

Posted by: Key West Pussy

Nov 13, 2007

We went to Fanstasy Fest in Key West again, and had a great time! Took lots of pics, which I will share here. I always try my best to get a lot of the more elusive pussy shots. I love the girls who are daring enough to bare it all in public. I can't think of anything more sexy than a girl hanging out on the street, pussy in full view. The girls who come here are the best! Most spend hours posing for all of us horny photogs. Thanks girls! Well this is number 1 of 5, hopefully they will get a little better as we get closer to number 5! Hope you enjoy the pictures half as much as I enjoyed talking them! Oh, and a word for those of you who HATE Fantasy Fest pictures, and yet have time to bash each set of them in the comments section - GET A LIFE!! If you don't like them, don't look! Fantasy Fest is only once a year, so you only have to suffer through this once a year. The rest of the year you can see the WIS section fully devoted to nude beach pictures, which you apparently like so much (not that there is any lack of nude beach pics any month of the year in WIS).

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Key West Pussy

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All Comments (1)
  • Brava to all women who have the self-confidence go “topless” or “bottomless” at public events!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NOTE: “Pasties” and/or paint do NOT count as “topless!”  Paint and/or “ butt floss " does not count as “  bottomless .” 

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