Autosex auf der Rückbank ist auch schön!
Damon: Man... sorry you viewers, it is early on Sunday morning as I comment this and on my first cup of coffee and I'm feeling too lazy to go to Babelfish to translate for you and Merci is in the shower...<br /><br />How about I just use my intuitive skills and interpret what they are saying?<br /><br />I think he is saying that he wishes he had taken her panties off because it is rubbing the hell out of the side of his cock...
Autosex auf der Rückbank ist auch schön!
Damon: Man... sorry you viewers, it is early on Sunday morning as I comment this and on my first cup of coffee and I'm feeling too lazy to go to Babelfish to translate for you and Merci is in the shower...<br /><br />How about I just use my intuitive skills and interpret what they are saying?<br /><br />I think he is saying that he wishes he had taken her panties off because it is rubbing the hell out of the side of his cock...