BandW Lover Wife From Spain 3
Jan 16, 2002
First of all, I'd like to thank you webmaster and crew for posting all our pics. Your website is the best we know about amateur people. So, continue in this way...we'll stand by you. And forgive us for our basic english. Story: Hi, again!. Thanks you all for your nice comments from our second contri. And now, the last pics of Cristina totally undressing. Let's enyoy...and kisses for all! Hola de nuevo a todas y todos! Muchas gracias por los comentarios a nuestra segunda contri. Intentamos contestar a todos. Ahí van las últimas fotos de Cristina totalmente desnuda. Espero que les gusten. Disfrútenlas....y hasta siempre!. Besos a todos.
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Damon: In B&W or in color this is one sexy Spainard.