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Nikki - Sexy Rears

Posted by: icezberg

Oct 24, 1999

Dear Kate, Asher, Zoey, et al, Well, you have put up a challenge that I believe I'm up for. For the most part I try to be modest, but I guess my ass is my fave and I like to boast...hehe! Please forgive :) While vacationing in Jamaica, I was told by a Jamaican that I have a Jamaican butt (wow that was a lot of Jamaica!). I took it as a compliment and have been proud ever since! *G* Actually since that fateful trip to Jamaica and the very fateful first contri 'Tanning Oil', I haven't felt the same about my looks since. I notice that I smile more, stand and sit up straighter, and all and all have a better attitude towards life. Which brings me to a post in the GBB, by Lora I believe, that asked a survey question of what would you do if you saw a contributor in real life. I have often wondered when someone takes a second or longer look at me if they recognize me from the VW or if it's just that I always have a smile on my face, cause I'm thinking about you guys. *EG* I think it would be pretty cool to be recognized, especially if they have something nice to say. But I guess you never know until it actually happens. Wow, I guess I got waaaay off the subject there! I hope everyone enjoys the menagerie of pics I've assembled. We didn't actually put together a shoot for this, just took a few of my faves (and Jme agreed ;) ) from some of our sets, past and present... I enjoy reading everyone's comments (be nice!) from men, women, and couples. I do try to respond on the BBS, but it's not always possible. I'm sorry if I didn't respond to anyone's, but know that I do get very turned on by everyone's wonderful compliments! And Jme always appreciates that!

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All Comments (1)
  • Yesh Yesh, thanks for the mammaries and booty, Nikki, where are you now, beautiful?!?!!?!?!?
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