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Pixie: Waterfront Park

Posted by: Cyric & Pixie

Jun 17, 2008

The weather wasn't great but I decided I wanted to get out and try some EIP photos for the first time. As Cyric and I drove to one destination we had in mind we passed this park along the waterfront. It was still a bit early, the sky was overcast and there were not many people around, looked good for my first attempt at some public nudity.We first decided to take some photos on one of the benches, a couple fishermen just out of site we were golden. Cyric was snapping away, and I was busy posing, then I noticed a park worker cleaning out the garbage cans about 30 yards away. He didn't see to seem to notice my naked body but I threw my clothes back on and we walked around a little more.Just down the path there were a bunch of men fishing. I knew we had to get some pics with them. I was very nervous, but Cyric said they didn't even look up at us once. So we took a few with them, a few more by a lamp post and called it quits.Just as we made it to the car a transit cop pulled in. We quickly drove off thinking someone, perhaps the worker, alerted the authorities. Well we will never know for sure but it still made for an excellent experience. Many more to cum. Hope you enjoy the result.-Pixie

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Cyric & Pixie

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