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Angelic Micheles Birthday Suit More

Posted by: bslivinski

Feb 3, 2004

Hello Kate, Crew, and Viewers! Back again with some more birthday pics! Hehe. Hope you all arent getting tired of me?!?! I know there will be a few of you to answer that NOT so nicely BUT there is somebody for everybody, just move on to the next contri if you dont want to see me. I ALWAYS use the same name just so you dont have to "accidently" click on my pics! lol Besides that, this night was really a good time. I enjoy being naughty on film! I would like to say a special HELLO to "Garry" as well as "Komatos"! Hope you two are having a wonderful week! Oh and "Komatos" Happy Birthday Honey!!! I know I promised you those pics. Soon!!! They will be posted very soon sweetheart! Valentines baby, eh? Special kinda day! :) Thanks to EVERYONE who left me a little b-day note on my series from Feb. 5th! If you havent seen that post. Check them out! lol Most all of you are awesome and left some great feedback! Some of you guys are really a trip, ya know? I can only be shaved or not shaved at one time! I prefer shaved...but I dont mind trying to appease you all that enjoy seeing women with a "bush". So, I take pics both ways all through the year. When I post shaved...all I hear is grow that out you look like a . Why do you like that? Well....Never did I imagine that it would come across that way (thats how "your" mind works). LOL I shave because its much more pleasurable in bed with my man!! "I" like it!! Better for me as well for him! Now...as for a "bush" it doesnt bother me at all! When I post with some hair...all I hear is shave that thing...its not the 70's....LOL....Well, no , huh?!?! LOL It is natural though...and for as long as I can think...we ALL grow hair! Get over it! I guess your didnt teach you all any different. If you dont have anything nice to say. Dont speak! I know I teach my 6 and 4 year old that!! LOL Anyhow...with all of that off my chest...I hope ya'll enjoy this second set in this series. The RC pics will be up soon as well! Cant wait to hear from you guys! Bye for now...If I dont see you before Valentines Day. Have a great one!! I am sending in a set for the "Love" day...but they wont be up by the 14th of the month! Keep an eye out for them! Take care...xoxoxo Michele P.S. Good luck again on your guesses for my age! If you dont know what Im talking about. Look at last weeks post to this series for the story on the game! "Angelic Michele Birthday Girl 1" *Wink

Inflatable Chair....$20.00

Damon: Angelic is absolutely gorgeous...

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