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AlexMarie - Hubby's lunch Part 2

Posted by: Alex Marie (AM)

Nov 23, 1999

Hi Kate, Asher, Zoey, et al! Well, I guess some people liked the pics from part one of Hubby's lunch, so here are some more from that same day! It was warm here (relatively) the day Part One posted and I was so excited by the reaction I got, that hubby got another lunch visit! I looked different and he was surprised, so if you still want after all these, those will soon be coming your way! Anyway, to refresh: On hubby's bad day, I visited for lunch, nearly undressed to the Nines and this is the result. These shots are very near the roadway in the same office complex as part one and caused quite a commotion. All you ass men and women, the last few shots of this group are for you! I really enjoyed taking them and think the wall shots came out pretty well! Kate, you are right, as ass shot from well below can be great! And to all you women who said you got ideas from my contri - GO FOR IT! I'm glad I did - our (sex)life will never be the same again and it has been tons of fun! Still to come are shots from part 3 in a local ballfield (apologies to Brite for borrowing her idea!) and some pics for those few men who asked me to pose outside their office doors! I love fulfilling these requests! XO- Ten Pics are attached and (just to give Jerry something to mess with), here is their order of occurence - 1. 1.closertoroad.jpg 2.undressing.jpg 3. tree.jpg 4.closer still.jpg 5. wallwshirt.jpg 6.wallsquat.jpg 7.wallshirtup.jpg 8.bestwall.jpg 9.wallrearside.jpg 10. wallrearbelow.jpg

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Alex Marie (AM)

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