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Kw In Defense Of Fantasy Fest 2

Posted by: njaya

Dec 1, 2008

Part 2 of this contribution. Part 1 tells the story or rant or whatever. But before the new set of pics come up, I would like to say THANKS for all the great comments on Part 1! I sort of expected a contri with this title to get bashed mercilessly, but the comments were bountiful and fantastic! I want to take a moment to comment on a few of the comments.First of all, thanks to Caroline. Your comment surmises why we make our annual trek to FF each year, and left me drooling! It obliviously left others drooling too, because there were several comments directed at Carolines comment! I hope Caroline is there again next year, and hope I get a pic or 2 of you!Also thanks to Bad Kitty for the comments. I re-counted and this was our sixth FF also. I know Bad Kitty from this site, but amazingly I have never seen you in any of our 6 visits to FF. Goes to show how big FF is. I always enjoy looking at the other posts to see what I missed. I especially liked the CUTE NAKED GIRL AT FANTASY FEST 08 post of the girl who won the body painting contest this year. Regrettably I never saw her.RE - QUOTE I love the pics! Would like to see some of see-through clothing. Now that is exciting!!!!!!!!! Keep posting brother! UNQUOTE; Thanks and I do have a see-through clothing FF contri in the works.RE - QUOTE We also need to see pics of Aya at FF. UNQUOTE Dont worry, she always finds her way into one of my Fantasy Fest contris. I took 560 pics, and have several more contris in the works, including WIS and Red Clouds contris.RE - QUOTE There is nothing Voyeur about posed pics at Fantasy Fest UNQUOTE; OK, but the section is titled What I Saw. Yes, once upon a time it was titled the Voyeur section, but it has become too much of a legal risk for sites like VW to publish a lot of the true voyeur stuff you apparently want to see. I suggest that you contact your congressman and tell him/her that you want to go back to the Wild West days of the internet. By the way, are nude beach pics true voyeur? A few years ago I visited Haulover beach. I spent a long time trying to find a way to hide my camera in a rolled towel, but kept botching pictures. Finally I just took out the camera and walked around asking girls for permission to take their pictures. Many said yes, which is no big surprise. After all, they are hanging out naked on a public beach and therefore arent especially modest. Everyone assumes WIS nude beach pics were taken with a hidden camera, but I bet half are taken with the subjects full knowledge. The subject may even be the cameramans GF or wife. Can you tell the difference? Are they true Voyeur just because the subject isnt looking at the camera?RE - QUOTE Perfect analysis of the imbeciles on here that make nasty comments….I know that the lady with her in pic 5 is a regular contributor here…UNQUOTE; OMG!! That was a - combo!?!? Makes sense, they were together all of the time. How sexy is that, Mom and hanging naked on KW!! I envision yet another contri in the works!RE - QUOTE Brevity is the soul of wit. UNQUOTE; Point taken, I guess I am a bit weak in the brevity department!RE - QUOTE Good Job. I'll bet finding this batch of cunts was like looking for a needle in a haystack. UNQUOTE: Umm, thanks I guess. There were a few more needles in that haystack. See the pics below.

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All Comments (1)
  • Brava and much respect to all women who have the self-confidence to go " topless " at public events. NOTE: Painted breasts and/or " pasties " do not count as " topless! " Right? RIGHT!
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