Damon: Nice angle ... wow, can't help but catch a glimpse of that extra large hole in your ear too ... I've heard of the <a href="http://wiki.voyeurweb.com/index.php/Two hole option" target="vw_wiki">"Two Hole"</a> option, but you're really getting <a href="http://wiki.voyeurweb.com/index.php/Kink" target="vw_wiki">kinky</a> now, hee-hee-hee
Damon: Nice angle ... wow, can't help but catch a glimpse of that extra large hole in your ear too ... I've heard of the <a href="http://wiki.voyeurweb.com/index.php/Two hole option" target="vw_wiki">"Two Hole"</a> option, but you're really getting <a href="http://wiki.voyeurweb.com/index.php/Kink" target="vw_wiki">kinky</a> now, hee-hee-hee