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Posted by:  Nude Nirvana NN (54)

Oct 16, 2018

I'm 54 and have been shaving my pussy completely bare since my late teens. I really love the feeling of smooth skin down there and had forgotten what it looked and felt like to have a hairy bush. Well, in September I decided to let my hair grow out wild just for fun. It didn't take long, after a month, it was out of control and I was ready for a change of style. So out came the scissors to trim it up, then shaving cream, warm water, and a new razor. It wasn't long before I was enjoying a new look .... the "Bermuda Triangle". This is my first ever "Redclouds" contri and instead of 10 pics I've included 20 to capture it all for you. If you enjoy it, please consider voting superb and if this contri scores well enough I'll be happy to share another Redclouds shaving update in a few more weeks! Thanks.....xoxo Nirvana

All Comments (231)
  • You are a Goddess. But please always show off your sweet little titties 
  • Hotmomlover, ..... thanks! So happy you found this contri, it sure was fun grooming my pussy. Watch for more from me this month in the NIP and Erotic Clips video section. I always love it when you vote superb too, so thanks!!!
  • How did I miss this post before!?  Awesome.  Please share more redclouds submissions 
  • completelynaked, ....haha, sounds like fun, it would be great moisturizer ;)
  • paco_taco, .....thanks honey !!
  • Delicious erect nipples and delicious triangle... what would you think of using my sperm as an aftershave? 
  • found this post -- lovely pussy lips you
  • Yes!  All the way clean or that version will do the truck for me!!  Thx NN.
  • SPIKE54XX, ... my pleasure, your wel”cum”
  • A beautiful sweet looking pussy it is, love the shave, great style!!  Looks like it’s made to be licked and caressed!! Thanks for sharing !
  • Nuts, .... great, want to lick my shaved pussy?
  • It's official, I'm in lust
  • socaliguy, ... hmm thanks and I do love to be eaten
  • you are delicious xx

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