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Posted by:  Nude Nirvana NN (54)

Jan 18, 2019

This video is dedicated to those who've requested to see me completely nude without my hat or shoes. So here I am .... completely natural and just for you. It's not glamorous as I had just finished a nude hike while tent camping for several days without a shower. My hair was a mess and I was hot, tired and sweaty. So I decided to go skinny dipping to rinse off the dust from the trail. I hesitated for awhile as the water was really cold, but if you watch to the end you'll see me take the full plunge. Would you help dry me off and then warm me up by the campfire? That would be perfect ending to the day. Let me know. Thanks! ..... xoxo Nirvana

All Comments (203)
  • help me stretch my holes please
  • i would like to lick this sexy feet
  • Waggin_Willy, yes it was, glad you enjoyed!!
  • I know thar water has to be icy cold, but just watching than made me feel really warm!
  • thanks for sharing!
  • zanderp, .... thank you
  • beautiful as always
  • Tantraman, ... sounds perfect! I know what you mean
  • I'd warm you up from the inside out ;-) xoxo
  • tontine, .... LOL, thanks and yes I do love exploring the natural beauty throughout Colorado .... watch for more from me soon!
  • Strong, lean, luscious ! Those Colorado rocks are sure lucky!
  • mmeyer1461, .... hmm sounds like fun
  • Oh those sweet tiny titties. Such big hard nipples. I'd love to see my cum dripping off them.
  • Raul56242, .... thanks for lovely compliment Raul 
  • I don`t have words for a so beautiful nature woman thanks my dear!!!

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