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Posted by:  shory

Dec 11, 2013

All Comments (25)
  • Beautiful display of her bottom ("ass") and pussy! Brava!
  • So exciting naked lady! I really want her big tits, yummy ass and shaved pussy!
  • You know, "ddmailman," most of us wouldn't know how to make that comparison . . . because unlike YOU, we don't spend our time looking at the asses on livestock. Guess you must get REALLY lonely to have to look for action in the barnyard. Then again, I guess when you have no chance at human women, you'll take anything that's left.
  • Lighten up, Danny boy. She's a pig; you know it, I know it, and the rest of the viewers know it. No matter how much you stand up for her, it doesn't change the facts.
  • for commercial spammers like caliLA! Same comment everywhere. From one contributor to another, Beware!
  • Once again, "iiill," you show you lack the intelligence to make even the simplest observation. Look down this board and you will see several positive comments for this woman. You see, unlike you, I respect the fact we don't all have the same likes and dislikes. What I DON'T respect is your need to call her "uglee" when the "ugliest" things on this board are your personality and conduct.
  • that was fucked up
  • I do love a woman with a big ole round ass
  • Problem is, "woodstockone" and "Queen Hornet," is that this woman also received positive comments . . . the moment she got ONE, she already surpassed the number of compliments you two clods have received your entire lives for any attribute or endeavor. And don't blame me for pointing out the obvious failures that are your lives . . . try to actually accomplish something and prove me wrong.
  • big g for the fat woman ross is the rest
  • Voted "POOR", too much lard.
  • Simply POOR
  • That shower pose is just plain HORRIBLE!
  • Thanks for helping me with my diet! I won't be able to eat until tomorrow... WASH YOUR ASS!

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