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Nirvana Hot Springs

Posted by: NudeNirvana

Aug 29, 2017

At 53 years old, Nirvana is still shy at times and won't always go "nude in public", but I am very persuasive and she tends to warm up to the idea. Anyway, we were on vacation and heard from locals there were some hot springs in the National Forest that we could hike up to in the mountains. We were told bathing suits required. There was a sign at the trailhead "nudity prohibited" and we had been warned at the general store that county sheriffs patrolled the area and would cite nude offenders if caught. When we arrived at the hot springs, Nirvana was wearing her black bikini just to be safe. Meanwhile, there were 8-9 other bathers in in the surrounding small hot springs. They were all clothed.  But after about 10 minutes I encouraged Nirvana to strip off her bikini and soak nude the way " nature" intended us too. She eventually agreed and none of the other clothed bathers complained. One guy was soaking only five feet away and was clearly surprised by Nirvana taking off her bikini. While taking pics of Nirvana soaking, I had to be discreet to protect these strangers privacy so have only included a few pics of the other bathers in the area. Nirvana was so horny afterwards. Being "nude in public" when it's not allowed is such an adrenaline rush. Most importantly it was a great soak, in a beautiful public setting. Hope you enjoy Nirvana's pics! ❤️❤️

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All Comments (118)
  • Oh my goodness, so very glad to see you this morning!!!!!
  • Nuts, .... haha, thanks Nuts
  • That hat should be in the Smithsonian, it has truly went above and beyond concealing ; And yes I'm going to make it thru all your contri's, eventually...... there seems to be some exhaustion ;
  • Rockeagle, .... thanks so much, it was fun afternoon at hot springs, even more fun being the only one nude among the clothed soakers
  • Figured I would comment on this again since I like it so much!!!!   
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