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Merci’S Lazy Day At The Beach

Posted by: Merci & Cam

Dec 12, 2003

Some days just seem like they are meant for lazing around the house or yard or beach. This was a laze around the beach kinda day. We packed the car up with a few beach toys and headed to our favorite non-crowded beach. The weather was awesome and there was hardly anyone there so I got to play naked in the water and on the beach for a while:0) As with any outing with Cam and his camera there had to be something that makes it memorable… See that EVIL boogie board I am lying on?? That thing hurt my wrist so bad! I was riding a wave in (I am such a beach bunny :0) and when I got to the shore and started to get off the board another wave caught it and tossed me a little. I put my hand down in the water to steady myself and there was a small dip there and so my hand went farther than I thought and so I had more weight on it when it hit the bottom! My wrist still hurts a month later! Lucky for Cam it was my left hand… *wink* Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the Holidays! Still trying to talk Kate and Sailor into coming over for a BBQ:0) And I know Michele and her bf would come over and maybe BW and her hubby and Lexius and Lovely…. We could have a mini VW BBQ party:0) Sailor you bring the , Kate you bring the chips:0) Thanks Merci & Cam Equipment: Nikon D1, Solar Lighting, H2O, sand

Just taking a little nap….. naked…. Balanced on a log….. back arched…. Posed? NEVER!!!! hehehe

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Merci & Cam

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