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Cynthia K In The Wc

Posted by: Cynthia K

May 20, 2004

Everyone has always told me that time flies by at a faster and faster pace as you get older, but I've never believe them. Since I've been at University, I've slowly started to accept the idea. I have gotten a lot of emails through my site with helpful photography tips, and there have also been some excellent pointers in the feedback section here as well. Many have mentioned that the photos I took in the bathroom last year were some of their favorites, and I cannot believe it has been a year since. I have been obsessing about my body shape and weight as of late, so I my flatmate to take some new photos in the same setting so I could compare my growth and progress with my fitness program. Actually, I am pleasantly surprised that I have lost some of my baby fat and am starting to take on a womanly physique. It's nice to know that I am only a few years behind the curve! Earlier in my teens, I felt a bit left out because and I was certified late bloomer! I think that's why I can be so boy crazy and frustrated sometimes (especially about the boy I was seeing who I did all those videos with up on my site). Until recently, I just sort of assumed guys weren't really interested in me that way. I have to give a heartfelt thanks to Kate, and all of you of course, for this outlet. It's certainly helped my somewhat fragile self-esteem ease into the idea that my assumption might've been wrong. :)

This is actually one of the best feeling stretches on Earth!

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