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Fisting Revisited

Posted by:

Nov 11, 2001

1 of 4 Please combine. Thanks The response to this contribution was unexpected. There were 133 comments as of Sunday noon! Fourteen were double postings (one guy posted 8!), 13 were nasty and 13 were indifferent. That leaves 93great comments! Thanks. Here are 10 more pictures from the same two shoots. Hope you like. From a previous contribution I submitted, a viewer requested a picture of me fisting my wife's cunt. I didn't think it was possible since I couldn't fit but 3 fingers with a lot of difficulty and a lot of complaining from her. I had only attempted it a couple of times but the idea caught my fancy. I became obsessed with the thought of my hand being inside my wife's pussy and I got working and planning. I cut my nails very short and made them smooth on my smaller left hand [I'm right handed]. I practiced making the profile of my hand the smallest possible. I put my fingers in her cunt every chance I had while I rubbed her clitoris with my finger or my tongue. It became natural and she started expecting it. One day she began coming and thrusting her hips with my fingers inside her cunt. I could feel her vaginal muscles clamp down. Over the next few weeks she started cunt thrusting and coming regularly with 4 fingers inside. I gently worked my thumb in from time to time but was a long way from getting my knuckles through. As she lost her fear of getting hurt with my fingers inside her, she rocked her cunt with reckless abandon. During these passionate moments I'd lube my hand with K-Y and slowly push my hand inward little by little to stretch her small cunt opening. One day my knuckles and thumb went through the portal of her pussy as she thrust her cunt on to my hand. Her vaginal muscles clamped down hard and pulled my hand deep inside her with such that it startled her. She wanted my hand out immediately. She said that it hurt and she didn't want to do that anymore. I was upset. I told her I really enjoyed feeling her tight pussy squeezing my fingers. After a week or so she gave me the green light again, she told me that if I really enjoyed it so much that I could go easy and put a few fingers in. I quickly went to work again. Every chance I had I'd slowly inch my hand inside her cunt. When her pussy wrapped itself around my knuckles and tried to pull me inside once again, I held tight. She started to have an orgasm that was the strongest and longest she'd ever experienced. I then slowly slid my hand forward while making a fist as I advanced until it was seated snuggly at the back of her vagina. Her muscles were contracting and relaxing rhythmically around my fist and wrist, her hips were moving wildly and she kept repeating "I'm coming so hard, I'm coming so hard!" She could not lie still. She went from lying on her back to getting on her side to being on her hands and knees, all the while rocking wildly while her cunt nestled my fist tightly deep inside. Meanwhile I was ravenously licking her clit and around her cunt opening where my fist disappeared into her flesh. I even licked and pressed my tongue on her asshole, which she usually doesn't like and doesn't even let me get near. This time she curved her back and spread her butt apart offering me even more of her virgin little asshole! I was rapidly stroking her asshole with my tongue and my hard-as-a-rock cock with my hand when I came explosively all over her thigh. All the while she never stopped thrusting her cunt and saying, "I'm coming so hard". Since then [last week] we've done the fist 4-5 times and now she anticipates it with excitement [and a tube of K-Y jelly]. She allowed me to take some pictures on the condition that I delete them right away [yeah, right!]. I love my fist in her cunt because it now allows me to work on my new obsession- her tight little asshole...

Damon: Fisting Revisited? What, is this a Discovery Channel Documentary???

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