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Sandfly Rough Cuts

Posted by: Sandfly

Jul 18, 2007

The answer my friends is blowin' in the wind. . .Last months unique triumph of finally capturing two fine ladylovers getting nude prompted some wonderful comments from yourselves. Most I found heartening and I thank you for your taste and appreciation of a pretty tricky, but incredibly rare and exciting bit of beach voyeurism --------------------------------------------------------------------However, there are always the skeptics, and I must admit, given the unusual scenario I found myself photographing, and in the perfect position I had acquired, I did expect some cries of 'setup'. -------------------------------------- But a good marine's always ready. So here, just before I present the final stunning flesh-on flesh contri of these lovelies next month, I will show you the 'Director's cuts' as it were. The 'story of a bit of historical vw shenanigans ----------------------------------------------------- These are the shots that never made the final presentations, the ones that were slightly hampered by movement, position, or framing problems. BUT, these are RAW. These are the moments that exist around voyeurism, that show how it gets executed. ------------------------------------- Skeptics, detractors, wannabees, picture thieves - thanks to Joe for laying the trail to the Flickr fraudster - This is how it's done, these are the sweet, sweet, Rough Cuts.

Ah, a little too far with the zoom yet what a wonderful intimate moment and what a perfectly formed pussy.------------- But fear not, I was soon to pull out, get my range, and catch the final flesh-on flesh fantasy frolic we all love to imagine they get up to ------------------- Well, they did, this lovely girl-next-door pair and next month, in the final Sandfly act, we'll have tete-a-tete and tit-a-tit and pussy inspection time for all out welcoming eyes to feast upon.----------- Meantime, hope these scraps from the table appeased your soul and rammed home the authenticity. You see them stolen elsewhere, just remind the thieves who wrote the book.------------------------- I thank all for appreciating my lunacy. Thank you for your votes - even the wankers who continually downvote my material; I'm delighted to take up precious seconds of your meaningless existences. And your blow.------------------------------ These outtakes are still the stuff dreams are made of and still the original work of your unstoppable Sandfly.-------------------------- Spacebo.

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