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Sandfly I Am The Resurrection

Posted by: Sandfly

Sep 25, 2008

..And I am the Light, I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I flyyyyy...---------- Well, well. Ain't it gotten all 'nice' round here? All safe. Asnine. Repetitive. Predictable.-----------Where's the energy gone? Where's the thrills, thrill seekers? I'll tell you - the connoisseurs of voyeured femininity are being played for fools by production-line fakery. Very pretty pictures, no soul or danger.------------------------------- Let's not beat about the furry mons - Sandfly method: seek the fruit, the position, get the shots, 'puff' and gone. Charlatan connivery: seek the addict/low paid service worker/poor student, the economically strained country with the nice beach, pay some 'yankee dolla' for the crack whore to look the other way, even more disinterested than when you were fucking her, and boom-a-bang, we got some 'voyeur' shots and moolah from the big yankee website.----------- Fucking yaaaawnnn. Get some soul. Get some REAL voyeur in you. And forget about the multiple photographer identities when you're using the SAME beach in every shot. You want multiple identities, get inside MY head, brothers and join the choir.------------ Me, I am the original, the last amateur, the last TRUE voyeur; the legend in my own mind(s). It was never about the money. It's about sending a message...--------------------- I bring you this shape of things to come, some previews and hot views to whet the appetite for the months ahead.-------------- I am the Sandfly, the fine dining to your McDostoyevsky fast food fake line. I am Lou Rawls to your American Idol vacuum. I am the diamond to your Diamante. I am Godzilla and you are Japan, fakers. But I'm not realy a monster; I'm just ahead of the curve...----------------------------------- REAL perilous voyeurism come home. Sandfly. Say it. Love it. Loathe it. But you'll never stop it. I am relentless, unstoppable. The shadow on the beach. The cloud across the sun. The whisper on the shore. The Sandfly. And I'm back.

The Shape Of Things To Come No.5 - I am the one who gives you SCENARIOS. The REAL situations I wangle myself into, on those wonderful occassions involving two girls...Don't the fakers pay in bulk? Just one model at a time? Hah! Do it for real, and these moments you'll treasure...But why stop here with just two?. . .

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All Comments (1)
  • Much respect to all women who have the self-confidence to go "topless" or fully nude at public beaches!
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