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Sandfly Wrestlemania

Posted by: Sandfly

Oct 22, 2008

I am an antichrist...I am an anar-chist. Why so, fellow afficionados of femininity? Well, I was politically censored earlier this month. My Oct 1st contri was taken down for a day before reinstatement. Seems the thought police out there took exception to pic 5 comments about the U.S electioneers - just a quip about a vaguely middle-eastern monickered candidate getting a JFK send-off before the world's worst fighter pilot (5 times! C'mon, thats well over $100 mill worth of warplane scrapped...) gets humped to a standstill by the vacuous bint who believes Jesus made the jellyfish. ------------- Noooooo, you're not allowed ironic or sardonic on here, boy. Fizzing self-righteousness is da law! Thankfully the vw crew still believe the 4th amendment is relevant and shot down the neocon fascists of the risen Reich.---------------------- You lost, anal-retentive bitches. Check under your beds for reds while you sit at your keyboards fussing over the Sandfly like transsexuals at a hermaphrodite convention. And while you play at being internet wanabee Alpha Males, take a look in the kitchen at the Omega Moos you married and weep at the fine sights I bring from my politically-dissident recreational follies. ------------- I am the Sandfly, free man, but enemy of the 'free' world, corrupting YOUR morals and thoughts with pictures and polemic. And YOU, free men, are seemingly NOT allowed to see or read such according to others amongst you.--------------------- But I shall prevail, me, the enemy, as decided by the dark in this Kapra-esque farce. I shall return to my secret undersea base and continue plotting world domination through second-rate off-the-cuff caustic irony.-------------------- And HERE, phase 3 of my plan, this wonderful beauty wrestling for the good of heterosexual men and lovely lady lezzers everywhere. THIS is real beach voyeurism - being there for the big moments, NOT paying the set-up and churning another out the production-line. One of the contris up the top this month contains one of the most set-up shots you'll ever see - find the pic 10 with the angle and work out how that is possible without being right at her feet. Lmao, passed offas voyeurism. Take it from the original, it ain't.------------------- So to this wonder of nature. If only the real WWetc., was so raw and beautiful, eh rednecks? If only you could all see the extra shot of that excited pussy glowing open in victory. . . You can't here, but make your mark in comments and I'll ship it to you, courtesy of this agent of kaos. Of this lunatic in the hall. Of the Sandfly.------------- Imust go now. Please destroy this message after reading. I cannot be held responsible for what it has done to your morals. My political subversiveness has brought down the wrath of the authorities. Right now I am being followed by the CIA Redneck Division. I know it's the redneck squad because they're staking out my house from busted couches on my front lawn...

You've seen her preview, now here comes the sweet mediterranean maiden. Fine, slim, perky, velveteen - just some of the terms that trip from the libido at such a sight. Me, I played it like Fonzy at the hop and watched and waited, wondering just how much of an exhibitionist this natural beauty might be...

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  • Excellent photography! Bravo, Sandfly!
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