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Cynthia K Spread Style

Posted by: Cynthia K

May 27, 2004

I am glad so many appreciated the philosophical quote of my last submission. At University, I have been trying to apply a lot of what I have been studying, and I find that simple statements can oftentimes influence my overall outlook on things. Reading some of the comments on my style of dress, well, let me say in my defense that I adhere to another quote from a wise man who once said, "if you want to feel funky, feel free." LOL. Seriously, I have no sense of style, as if you couldn't figure that out already! I was wearing this exact outfit the other day when my flatmate had decided to give me a hard time by reading aloud some of the comments I'd received here and through my website. Looking at these photos now, I fear how severely my wardrobe reflects that I was raised quite sheltered and with minimal access to fashion advice! Thankfully, a far more stylish acquaintence has offered to go shopping with me, and once I finish final exams I just may scrape together the money to do so. I reckon it's a priority because I need to make a better impression on that boy I was seeing last year. Since last week, I've been thinking about how I'd fancy another go with him and I found myself masturbating to those videos I took with him that are on my site. If some decent fashion advice would increase the likelihood of more happening, then I'm all for it! My summer needs to have a few high points! :)

Casual yet proper attire on top

Damon: ..and her booty shorts on the bottom!

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