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Merci On The Way To The North Shore

Posted by: Merci & Cam

Jun 28, 2003

Yes, more Merci in Hawaii! Hehehe We can’t help it if we like to share our vacation pictures:0) We drove up to the North Shore on Oahu looking for interesting places to take pictures. About a mile or so before Sunset Beach there is this burned out looking 2 story building that I guess is owned by a retirement home place. We thought that would be a cool place to take pictures but there was a No Trespassing sign and we were a bit worried about being busted…. BUT right across the street there was ANOTHER building that was overgrown and abandoned! It only sat about 20’ back from the road and right behind a bus stop! It looks much better in the pictures than in person:0) Nothing too terribly erotic about the old bottles and cans tossed on the ground, but hey, the grass covers it up in the pics:0). We were there for about 20 minutes and I kept hiding behind the wall and putting my sarong on when cars would go past! I am SUCH an EIP wimp! Hehehe I doubt this is the last of the vacation pics so don’t put the caffeine away yet:0) Hmmmmm Cam has been talking about doing a contri one day using a “Blue Crush” theme…. Beach, surfboards, bikini clad girls…. Now all we need are some other volunteers:0) Well then there is the mermaid theme…. :0) and and and…. This place is just too fun:0) ~Aloha~ Merci & Cam Equipment: Nikon D1, Sunshine, Burned out old building

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Merci & Cam

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