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Li'l φhi Visits The Queen Mary

Posted by: Damien

Mar 21, 2011

Hey y'all, I'm back in EIP. This time it's the long-awaited Queen Mary pictures. I promised you these back in November. This time I get to blame Damien. He's had them on his hard drive since before Thanksgiving. Don't let him know I said that. =3 The Queen Mary is a now permanent landmark in Long Beach harbor. A hotel, a museum, some eateries, a pub and a cocktail lounge. And lots of tourists with cameras. So, I'll be your tour guide today as we visit this World War II landmark. Hee Hee. Oh, and I want to thank my newest Intimate Fan Club members who have proved to have my best interests at heart: Elrod in So. Cal x 3, Tyler & pet in Vancouver BC, Lad in El Paso, Scott in Cleveland, tha_perv in Winnemucca, Ray in Exeter, Spike in Caspar, Peter in Philadelphia and last, but not least, Beau in Raleigh. Y'all know why! And I'm not forgetting you Brian, but you got a page all your own last week. 8D And a big shout out to my newest fans: Locals - So Cal Rob and shakennotstirred28 from LA and Jimmmy from Oakland; from across the USA - Glenn from Tucson (see, I found you), Woody from Delaware, from Florida fargointhewinter and gnuts, Ron and justfordeb from Illinois, BUBBA from Saint Paul Indiana, Nick from Baltimore, Zbu and asina from Michigan (can't wait to get the pix M & G !), Hobbit from Missouri, from New York Islip Will, Breast Connoisseur and bobo13 and finally Pennsylvania Tall Ship; Internationally - silvanti from Portugal, BigRiverDave from South Africa and Northernlad from the UK (harry, are you from the UK, too?). And my lost soul fans from parts unknown - webber, Steve L.B., JonQ, Andreo, Ashley oceanuser, sumbadcat and joe (from NJ?). And for those of you who are in my fan club but not receiving emails, I've got a coupla bouncebacks. Let me know how to get a hold of you - da_tx56, darkrider874, duece6782003, harryperv, livin_dildo, nacordopecado, nockboddy, r.morison1, shazerzal and mojosworking. I cut and pasted the e-ddresses. "What? φhi has a fan club?" you ask. =D Why, of course. My personal fans get heads-ups on my upcoming contributions to VW and sometimes even a personalized pic or two (or three). All I need is an email address in the comments section (and a nice comment or two). If'n ya got an issue with my "muffin top" or my "bunny teeth", kindly keep moving along. We can't all be perfect. My fans like real, girl-next-door types. Mind you, I appreciate my hotter competition just fine (ahem, let me adjust my thong a bit). But it's gonna take more than your hatemail to get my teeth fixed and I lost nearly 20 pounds since my original pictorial last June. Damien sez I'm a work in progress and I thank him for his support. Okay, stepping down from my soap box, back to that big ship and my nekkid body. Kisses, ~ φhi

So first off, Super φhi has to get into her costume. Oh look, here's a convenient phone booth.

Damon: wow those long credits ran BEFORE the movie! just like in the olie tyme days.... ok so we have nakedness....outside....daring and adventure! im in!

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All Comments (1)
  • que ricas tetas tienes !! hermosa!
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