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Li'l φhi Hiking A Campground Trail (Scavenger Hunt)

Posted by: Damien

May 14, 2011

After I ran the race from the EIP contribution, Damien and I went on a short hike along the campground resort trails. Great scenery and some interesting artwork. YouÂ’ll see. And to catch up on the rest of my fan list, hereÂ’s a big “welcome to the club” to – Larry and Russ from New York; Docdave from Pennsylvania; TennesseeÂ’s ElConquistador; Texas jowady, SkaterCop, Big John, dragginlow and Gnarf (holy , Texas musta thawed out from a long cold winter); and Wyoming Ted. From around the world – Jurgen from Holland; New ZealandÂ’s Fionn and TJ & Jen (wow, another hot couple – thanks for the pics); and from the UK, timothy23 and end (hey, end is at the end – LOL). And I got a few lost souls, too – Rock Hard, pdxarcane, scraperx and Wiley. Where you guys from? Write me back and let me know. ‘k? The rest of you new fans should have been acknowledged in my EIP contribution. I said it before, but D sez to repeat it. New prospective fans – I need an email address if you wanna join the fan club. Else how can I get in contact with you? And if you asked to join in the past and havenÂ’t heard from me, then do it again, but this time keep an eye out for an e-mail from me in your spam folder. I always put “From LiÂ’l φhi” in the subject line. Okay, this one was even shorter than the last one. You guys are wearing me down. As I said before, here cum the pictures of the nekkid girl. {=D ~ φhi

It was a quaint hike. Nothing strenuous. But after all, I just finished a 5K on some hella hills.

Damon: whoa! theres a fan club...i so gotta join this one

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