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Li'l φhi At The Bay To Breakers 1

Posted by: Damien

Jul 14, 2011

Hey Li'l φhi fans - it's Damien. As you probably have noticed, Li'l φhi has disappeared from the pages of VW in the past two months. Things happen. But she just let me know that I can go ahead and post her last few pictorials. And, no, she won't be doing the writing, that's my job now. And the fan club, well, let's just say that the 738 members that got a chance to get personal updates from her got an unprecedented opportunity. I wrote to all of you a few weeks ago letting you know what was going on and asked if you would be okay with me notifying you when I publish contributions with my next / past model(s) - past meaning Li'l emily who might be back soon for a few sets. The 150 or so of you who responded (20%) were all interested, so I'll maintain the list. So, for those of you who have been waiting since May for the Bay to Breakers pics, finally here they are. And there will be a few of you offended by the fact that there are guys in the pics, as well (yes, there are a few shots of me). I photoblocked the danglage so you won't have to peak through your fingers. For those card-carrying, REGISTERED FANS that have requested equal time and would like to see the unblocked pics, write to me through φhi's e-ddress and I'll send you the pics. So, without further ado, here's our Li'l φhi. Let's send her out in style with some high scores this month. Damien

That's the start of the race. We finally had a little space to unload some of this extraneous clothing.

Damon: looking fantastic in that shirt...

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